

Balance and Support the Immune System with AstaGel®

Like other parts of the body, the immune system functions better when protected. Natural astaxanthin has a strong ability to both balance and strengthens the immune system, therefore improving its ability to defend the body whilst also helping to suppress the overactive immune responses that create unwanted inflammation.

Clinical Benefits

“Astaxanthin is a strong immune system stimulator”.
Helps in strengthening the immune system by protecting immune cells against oxidative stress.
Natural astaxanthin possesses potent anti-inflammatory properties.
Helps to enhance the capacity of lymphocytes and phagocytes.
Reduces C-Reactive Proteins (CRP) level.

Brain Health

Keep Your Mind in Tune With AstaGel®

Several studies have shown that astaxanthin has various biological effects on the brain. Randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled studies have shown that 3-months supplementation of natural astaxanthin extract from Haematococcus Pluvialis (12mg/daily) improved mental quickness, multitasking, memory, and faster learning in senior subjects complaining of age-related forgetfulness.

Clinical Benefits

Helps to improve age-related forgetfulness, multitasking, and alertness.
Helps to decrease the oxidation of red blood cells, which is linked to the prevention of dementia.
Helps to enhance capillary blood flow and blood antioxidant quality.
Helps to modulate blood pressure, lowers stroke risk, and improves vascular endothelial health.

Vision & Eye

Sharpen Your Vision With AstaGel®

Various clinical studies have shown that astaxanthin supplementation can improve the symptoms linked to Computer Vision Syndrome such as eye fatigue, eye irritation, and blurred vision. Clinical studies have also shown that astaxanthin supplementation improves eye fatigue by quenching cellular inflammation that emerges during persistent visual stress and tension of the ciliary muscle.

Clinical Benefits

Helps to relieve eye fatigue symptoms by improving capillary blood flow circulation.
Helps to improve the quality of vision by preserving the “zoom-in & zoom-out” refocus of the eye ciliary muscle.
Helps to relieve eye inflammation and shoulder stiffness in heavy PC workers.
Reduces eye strain.
Protects the eyes from UV damage.
Prevents age-related macular degeneration.
Improves depth perception.
Reduces eye soreness.
Prevents eye dryness.
Prevents diplopia (double vision).

Skin Aging Defense

Enhance Your Skin´s Natural Beauty with AstaGel®

The skin is the largest organ of the body and is extremely complex; consisting of multiple layers each of which have unique and important functions. Natural astaxanthin is the most powerful antioxidant known to science and has the ability to optimize the health and radiance of the skin by providing protection and support to all layers.

Clinical Benefits

Helps to revitalize photo-aged skin by quenching oxidative stress.
Helps to reduce the size of wrinkles and improves skin microtexture.
Helps to reduce age spots by inhibiting overproduction and oxidation of melanin.
Inhibits collagen damaging enzymes.
Improves skin elasticity.
Prevents skin sagging.
Prevents UV damage and photo-aging.
Improves skin conditions in all layers of the skin (corneocyte layer, epidermis, basal layer, and dermis).

Liver and Pancreas

Natural Protection for your Liver and Pancreas with AstaGel

Various clinical studies have shown that astaxanthin supplementation can improve the symptoms linked to Computer Vision Syndrome such as eye fatigue, eye irritation, and blurred vision. Clinical studies have also shown that astaxanthin supplementation improves eye fatigue by quenching cellular inflammation that emerges during persistent visual stress and tension of the ciliary muscle.

Clinical Benefits

Protective against liver damage, such as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
Helps to protect mitochondrial cells against lipid peroxidation.
Helps to induce xenobiotic-metabolizing enzymes.
Helps in the scavenging of radicals to prevent oxidative damage to the liver.
Astaxanthin ameliorated liver fibrosis (CCL4 and BDL).
Influences the energy metabolism in HSCs by downregulating the level of autophagy in HSCs.
Furthermore, it alleviates liver damage independent of its antioxidative effect.

Cardiovascular Health

Get Natural Support For Your Heart with AstaGel®

A large body of clinical and experimental research has concluded that natural astaxanthin can contribute to improved cardiovascular health. Studies have shown that natural astaxanthin reduces oxidative stress and inflammation, improves lipid profiles, and promotes better blood flow in capillaries.

Clinical Benefits

Improves blood lipid parameters in patients with mild hyperlipidemia.
Helps in the prevention of atherosclerosis.
Improves blood flow rate.
Decreases heart rate of athletes when doing endurance training.
Helps to reduce oxidative stress.
Helps to enhance capillary circulation.

Lowering Gastric Inflammation

Improve Gastric Health With AstaGel®

The digestive system is one of the most sensitive components of the human body. A healthy digestive system plays an important role in a healthy lifestyle.

Clinical studies have shown that astaxanthin supplementation can support gastric health due to its ability to inhibit gastric inflammation, provide protection against stomach ulcers and reduce H.pylori infection.

Clinical Benefits

Helps in decreasing oxidative stress by reducing inflammation and controlling bacterial infection by shifting the immune response.
Helps in alleviating dyspeptic symptoms by retarding inflammation.
Helps to reduce gastric pain and abdominal pain.

Anti-Diabetes / Kidney Protection

AstaGel helps to reduce lipid peroxidation and oxidative stress

Astaxanthin helps to provide protection from type 2 diabetes and diabetic nephropathy

Clinical Benefits

Improves glucose metabolism and reduces blood pressure in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Helps to prevent the dysfunction of pancreatic β-cells from glucose toxicity.
Helps to reduce progressive kidney damage from diabetes.
Helps to diminish the incidence of diabetic microvascular complications.
Helps to reduce lipid peroxidation and oxidative stress.
Protects mesangial cells from hyperglycemia-induced oxidative signaling.
Helps to stabilize blood sugar, thereby protecting your kidney.




Clinical Benefits

Helps to enhance vascular resilience and maintains vessel integrity.
Helps to restore vessel dilation and construction.
Helps in the reduction of arterial blood pressure.

Cancer Therapy

Role of AstaGel to reduce the side effects of Cancer Therapy.


Clinical Benefits

Helps to mitigate the side effects of cancer therapy.
Helps to slower cancer cell growth.
Reduces muscle damage and inflammation.
Helps to modulate the immune response against tumor cells.
Helps in reducing tumor growth and inhibits stress-induced suppression of tumor-fighting natural killer cells.

Muscle Resilience

Improve Muscle Endurance With AstaGel®

Natural astaxanthin improves muscle endurance through its ability to support muscle function and improve aerobic power. Natural astaxanthin is both a powerful antioxidant and a potent anti-inflammatory. In studies, natural astaxanthin has also been found to reduce lactic acid build-up and decrease fatigue.

Clinical Benefits

Helps to boost power output and muscle endurance during training.
Helps to lower lactic acid, fatigue, and muscle soreness.
Helps to reduce muscle damage and inflammation in athletes.
Helps to improve blood flow and antioxidant status.
Helps to improve muscle metabolism and fat utilization.
Potential benefits for sarcopenia (muscle loss).
Reduces pain in rheumatoid arthritis sufferers.
Decreases pain rate and pain duration in carpal tunnel syndrome sufferers.
Reduces joint and muscle pain in heavily-training athletes.

Capillary Circulation

Role of Astaxanthin in Capillary Circulation

Role of Astaxanthin in Capillary Circulation

Clinical Benefits

Astaxanthin increases retinal capillary blood flow in both eyes in normal volunteers.
Reduces blood cell oxidation and the risk of thrombosis.
Reduces joint and muscle pain in heavily-training athletes.